Latasha Nevitt (30) was last seen alive on October 10th, 2011. According to her husband Isaac Nevitt, Latasha left their Chicago, Illinois home that day to walk to a nearby grocery and liquor store on 112th Street and never returned. Isaac reported her missing four days later, on October 14th, 2011.
Latasha’s mother Brenda Morgan was incredibly puzzled by her daughter’s disappearance. Brenda said that Latasha would never leave behind her three children. Latasha was also attending school at Evergreen University to become a dental hygienist, and by all accounts, things were going well.
Concerns about Latasha only grew once it was revealed that she had not accessed her cell phone or bank accounts since October 10th. Brenda and other volunteer searchers reportedly searched the area where Latasha was last seen but were unable to find any clues to her whereabouts. Suspicions were inevitably starting to build towards Latasha’s husband, Isaac, as he was the last person to have seen her. Isaac adamantly denied being involved in his wife’s disappearance.
Nearly three years later, on March 6th, 2014, the case finally had a break. A city water worker found a body in a drainpipe at Morgan Park, located close to Latasha’s home. The body had been found in a heavy-duty plastic bag and appeared to have been stuffed into the space it was found. Two days later, the remains were confirmed to be that of Latasha Nevitt.
According to the statement from the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office, Latasha’s body was found “frozen, in the fetal position, and wrapped in garbage bags. A scarf was wrapped around her eyes like a blindfold. Her legs were bound with a cell phone charging cord.” The coroner classified Latasha’s death as a homicide by unspecified means.
To this day, no arrests have been made in Latasha’s case. Many still believe that her husband is responsible for her murder, however police have not publicly announced Isaac (or anybody) as a suspect at this time. Latasha’s family is desperately hoping to receive justice in this case. If you have any information that could help the investigation, please contact the Chicago Police Department.
I sure hope that whoever possesses the sick mind that destroyed the mother of three children is found and brought to justice.
ReplyDeleteAmen 🙏
DeleteOh that's so sad. Fails to mention her husband passed a polygraph test....
ReplyDeleteHe could be the 1% inaccorect. Remember, the test is not 100% accurate.
Deletei have been watching this show called "Adam Ruins Everything". it basically teaches that things aren't as they seem. One of the episodes was about CSI things. They mentioned that polygraphs are NOT reliable EVER! Including polygraph exams. There were several reliable sources, including scientific sources, that prove the notorious unreliability of polygraphs. You should check it out.
DeleteI agree, everything I've seen about polygraphs are that they are extremely unreliable because everyone reacts differtly to stress. They just monitor vital signs in relation to pointed, often stressful questions.
DeleteI know someone that my niece was involved with that got charged with sex with a minor. He 100% knew she was only 17 but said he believed she was 18. He has passed numerous polygraphs and told my niece how to beat them. I don’t put an ounce of faith in them at all anymore.
DeleteI hope they find the monster that did this. In an instance this ladies life was taken. It was mentioned that she was going to the corner store, could it be she was assaulted and kidnapped and killed in the process? Why didn't the husband go out to the store?
DeleteI believe her husband had something to do with her disappearance.
DeleteI agree he was abusive and he waited 4 days to report her missing so that's how she got put in a bag Frozen with something over her eyes and tied with a phone cord
DeleteWhy would a stand up guy have his wife or gf walk blocks in Chicago... that in itself is an issue. Kids conviently not home that night...
DeleteIs it possible that when the dog kept going to the same spot in the wooded area... could that have been where she was killed? Then her body was put in the drain? It's all in the same vicinity, I believe.
Delete@Anonymous 5/18/24 That is one of my points. Yes, it was all on the same curb/corner, the very small wooded lot and the underground water valve enclosure covered by a man hole. It is about one, small block from the couple's house, probably less than a block. You could probably look from the house and see the curb/corner. She would have walked past it on her way to the store. I "visited" the area and all around it extensively on Google Streetview. That's how I know. I don't know if any waterworks workers visited the valve between when she disappeared and when her body was found. I understand that the valve was not regularly accessed by workers. Apparently, it was some type of auxiliary control valve. I don't think it is known how long she was in the valve or when she was put there. It's that they found her in the winter, I believe, so her body was frozen. The valve enclosure is a very small, bricked space around the valve. I read that her body was placed around the valve and frozen and it was not easy to get her out because the space is so narrow. That would seem to mean that her body was put there in a non-frozen state, which made it easy for the person to stuff her in there. I think she may have also been decomposed. The question is: was her body decomposed because she had been in the valve from near the time that she disappeared and had frozen and unthawed over the seasons until she was finally found? I'm so hoping and praying for closure in this case. It breaks my heart, like so many others.
DeleteI watched thjs last nite and keep picturing his face looking out that small window when they had the cadaver dog looking for her ..the look in his eyes kept me up most of the nite.he looked as if it just sunk in that his best friendcould really be dead.i tried finding a facebook and came across that they found her. He passed the polygraph but his eyes Say hedidnt do it.plus having babies
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if she were alive while they were looking and why the dog didn't find her? Which would explain why the husband passed cause he hadn't done anything to her yet? They tested mom but not dad...they were searching in the right area which is why the 1st dog had her scent...she was discovered underground. Its sad anyway you slice it. But I'd say do another polygraph but on all THREE!!!
DeleteI honestly think the parents had something to do with it. Her mom was laughing when police wanted to search their house. My guess is she wanted her 10 year old daughter back. Mom n dad refused. It got heated.
ReplyDeleteinteresting. hadn't heard this theory before. do you have any more info you could share?
DeleteThat is an excellent theory honestly..
DeletePlus her dad basically told cops where to look..
ReplyDeleteExactly what I was thinking. I just watched this on Crime360.
DeleteThe dudes eyes are so unusual it's more difficult than normal for me to judge what I think off the look of him. Then too, with the fact they live in the HOOD in the worst city in America it's really hard to say.
ReplyDeleteThere's NOTHING unusual about his eyes other than like my gpa, brother & nephew & niece, he's an AA w/blue-green eyes. U wouldn't say that if he was white bcuz "that would b normal" omg
DeleteHis eyes are beautiful! I hope we all get an update on who did this!
DeleteYea what is unusual about a human being having an eye color thats not common? Unusual is a word that indicates your ignorance towards genealogy and what you think is allowed and accepted for races other than your own. If it’s not what I’m implying then you should broaden your vocabulary. As for as the husbands potential guilt I agree that it’s likely the husband didn’t do this and I arrived at this position by watching his pain on his face and struggle with her being gone while the twins were looking for their mom and crying. He did pass the polygraph and yes they can be inaccurate but I wouldn’t even think he would want to take one and be as forthcoming is he did do it. I would even ask to be polygraphed again if I had nothing to hide. Something happened that could be tied to her relationship with her parents. I would also examined any other missing or homicides involving women in and around this area during that time period. I pray DNA evidence will provide some answers to what ultimately took place. I feel so sorry for kids. They are in my prayers.
DeleteIncorrect on a few points. Where the dad told police they should look is not where she was found at all. Also, sociopaths can pass lie detector test quite easily, they've proven that.
ReplyDeleteThe 10-year old girl was already living with the grandparents permanently.
Maybe she wanted to get her daughter back and have all 3 of her babies living with her, though. Maybe she wanted to have her whole family back. Maybe the parents wouldn't let her.
DeleteI could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn't do it. The mom was the strange acting one. No one could tell me that my daughter was missing and I sit there all calm and cool. Something doesn't add up with her parents at all😒
ReplyDeleteI agree
DeleteI agree, also. I wouldn't be joking and smiling.
DeleteI definitely agree that her demeanor was off. She acted like she was hiding something with her reaction to them asking to go through her house. I think her daughter living with the grandmother knows something that could provide answers. When being questioned the grandmother said to her granddaughter that I know you are bursting out the seams. But that seems looks like she was directed and groomed to say something or add to the narrative that the husband was responsible. She didn’t let the cops inside for a reason and I think that something transpired involving the case while they waited. Maybe getting her granddaughter on the same page or hiding something. If the husbands polygraph could be in accurate then the grandmothers could potentially be wrong as well. I prayed that some how the person responsible goes to prison for it. I believe he will go to hell but I really want her kids to know what and who killed their mom for closure.
DeleteWhat striked me as odd was that the husband was saying 'was' in past time all the time during the first interview. 'She was going to be ...'
ReplyDeleteLike in his mind he knew she was dead already.. Plus, she had gone to get beer on an evening, and he reported her missing 4 days later this said?? Guilty as hell
Never sign up for jury duty, please. Ignorance has put many innocent people behind bars. You never know how you will react under stressful situations, especially when you are in shock. Television shows are not court rooms and do not identify all factual data, especially under the time constraints they endure.
DeleteI agree with Devon77. The husband was using the past tense when he gave his initial report to detectives. Polygraphs are not fool proof. The polygrapher may have worded questions in a way that was not meaningful to the husband. The examiner may not have entered into his personal subjective dictionary, so to speak. There is a reason polygraphs are not admissible as evidence in court.
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind that the at the end of the episode on the show The First 48 Hours, the mother had a swab of her DNA taken and even when the detective said she "may have met a bad fate" the mother didn't shed a tear nor dead her demeanor really change. I don't personally think a mother could be so stone faced when hearing that her daughter is more than likely dead, even if she had issues with her daughters husband that shouldn't (but possibly could) overshadow her love and care for her daughter. Either way, none of that is in anyway physical evidence but it does make her appear suspicious and very cold hearted..
ReplyDeleteI don’t agree her mom appeared visibly upset. Not everyone shows grief or stress the same way
DeleteThey would interview more than just the mother to go with abuse I thinking keeping the peace was between the two famines not just the husband , I'm pretty sure she lived with her mother before she got married and had the twins . Sometimes mothers meddle in marriages could be why the granddaughter was still living there. We won't really know.So hard to place blame .
ReplyDeleteHer mom had mentioned that he didn't want the little girl at their house. That's why she remained with her grandparents.
DeleteThe mother looked stressed. It's hard to pull someone away from an abusive situation. It's also challenging to maintain a healthy relationship when u don't agree or have conflict with someone's spouse ie the son-in-law. I'm sure the victim felt caught in the middle trying to keep the peace. Either way she didn't deserve her fate. I can still see her daughter's face when The detectives from First 48 Missing Persons was talking to her. Hope her & her siblings are doing well.
Did I see him wearing one glove on one hand and no glove on the other hand? Hiding something....?
ReplyDeleteThat’s because he was putting flyers up at the end of the show. It would’ve been kinda hard to use the tape with gloves on, right?
Delete👍great deduction and conclusion with that situation and scenario. It’s easy to paint a narrative that implies guilt with little actual facts.
DeleteJust saw this sad case on the First 48 and the biggest thing that struck me was the odd reactions of her parents, not the husband. Who acts so nonchalant when your daughter is suspected to be dead? What dad tells police where to look for his daughter’s body? Also the fact that the mother refused to watch her own grandchildren (the twins). I know everyone reacts to grief differently, but smirking and smiling is not a typical reaction. The husband may not have been a nice dude, but I saw grief on his face. Her parents should be suspect number one. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the father all along. He didn't Get a polygraph test. No emotion at all. I think her daughter was brain washed by her family. Over all extremely sad.
DeleteIsaac asked the grandmother to watch the twins, probably to go looking for her. SHE is the one who refused to watch the twins. Not the other way around. If she really felt that he was abusive, she would have jumped at the chance to have the twins in her possession, just like she had the 10-year old in her possession. Something sketchy with her.
DeleteYes I think the daughter was groomed and directed to say things especially when the grandmother said I know you are bursting out the seams and told her to speak. Visibly there was no indication the daughter wanted to speak and it sounded like she said that verbatim because she was directed to say this to police. I think the grandmother used the opportunity when she made the cops wait outside for them to make sure everyone was dressed to get her young granddaughter on the same page and ready to say certain “things and truths” about the husband. I think polygraphs can definitely be inaccurate. I would test some one more than once and I would follow the their behavior and body language before and after every test. The grandfather needs to be tested as well. I pray some answers come to
DeleteI agree with the other few that feel the mom did something to her. The fact she laughed and played funny when showing the detectives the house was extremely odd. There is nothing funny about your child missing at any age. Sadly the 10 yr old might have some of that info on grandma. It was still odd where her dad pointed at that she might hide. Maybe they hurt her there then the mom stuffed her in that pipe. Many killers do horrible things but for a stranger to kill her, but put a blindfold on and bound her legs, would they do all that and still kill her then to wrap in bags and stuff her in a pipe? It seems a stranger would've tossed her in any of those areas . This seems like it was more personal. Why blindfold her if you know your going to kill her ? The mom was odd. Very eary odd.
ReplyDeleteHer husbands eyes looked a little wicked at first and so I was thinking, he's guilty. But once I continued to watch the show, he became a victim himself with a very beautiful unique eye color with pain written all over them
ReplyDeleteSome people said he did it because the mom said he was abusive. Maybe he wasn't and the mom lied because she wanted him to get arrested so she could get custody of the twin boys also.
Latashia was a very beautiful lady. So sad.
I absolutely agree with you!
DeleteIsaac's my neighbor for the past cpl years now and i remembered seeing him on one of my true crime shows being depicted as a murderer (at least that's what they wanted u to believe) so I was instantly nervous when i found out about him living here but now I feel so ridiculous that i ever let others opinions sway my own bc he is the most gentle, kind soul. He babysits our other neighbor's kids that are absolutely the most difficult kids I've ever dealt with and yet I've never once heard him raise his voice..he is softspoken and keeps to himself etc..i truly don't believe this man could ever be capable of hurting anyone..
DeleteMaybe some sicko she didn't know did this. Those are the hardest cases to crack. And maybe there is a reason for the family's reaction. Hard places can make people hard.
ReplyDeleteDamn just watched this episode of first 48. one of the few that was surprising, I thought for sure the husband would fail the polygraph. still doesn't mean he's innocent, but if they had evidence he'd be locked up. This one is just a real head-scratcher but at least they found a body.
ReplyDeleteWhy did the husband wait four days after she was missing to report it? He should have reported it the same day. I smell a rat and it stinks. Chicago is not the place to be with our kids are not safe at all. For people killing kids over territory. I hope the police clear up Chicago where it will be a nicer place to stay. God bless and keep her children.
ReplyDeleteThe husband reported her missing immediately, not 4 days later. Detectives clearly asked him about "last night" and asked the convenience store the same. Here is what I wish the show had said....since the husband claimed he got worried when she didn't return and they texted back and forth and she suddenly stopped, then claimed they auto erased, what did cel records show? Do the texts exist, and where did they ping? How did he have time to get worried about her, text her, have her respond once, if she never even made it to the store? They never mentioned if these texts happened, only mentioned them asking the phone co if texts can auto erase in the phone itself.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Vulcanak.
DeleteI would like to add that I just watched it on 48 hours and thought did they ever find her. Searched the web and found this link. Tam sadden that she was found dead years later. The way she was found tells a lot I think.
1. Found in a sewer near drain pipe area, 2. stuffed in that area, 3. inside of a HEAVY-DUTY garbage bag, 4. eyes possibly blindfolded with a scarf, 5. feet bound by a cell charging cord.
I wonder what other details did they not give out that would give us inquiring minds something to work with.
The questions I would ask;
What was the cause of death, strangulation? stabbed? shot?
Was she wearing the same cloths when she disappeared?
Was her cell phone with her?
The scarf, was it hers and was she wearing it that day?
The cell phone cord, was it hers and if so why would she take her cell cord with her if she was just going to the liquor store and returning home? If its not hers, what type of cell phone did the cord belong to? who had a cell phone matching the cord brand? Did any of the family members buys or have access from work to HEAVY-DUTY garbage bags matching the bag she was found in? People who are poor don't typically buy HEAVY-DUTY garbage bags for their residence. Was it an industrial HEAVY-DUTY garbage bag she was in? Are the same HEAVY-DUTY garbage bags available to city water employees? Where is the access point to that water pipe area where the body was found? Has there been similar cases before or since her disappearance involving HEAVY-DUTY garbage bags? Does any business from her house to the liquor store use HEAVY-DUTY garbage bags that match the bag she was in?
Based on what was publicly disclosed on here, her feet were bound by a simple cell charger, nothing mentioned about her hands being bound. She was in a fetal position in the bag leads me to believe she was killed somewhere else, stuffed in the bag and transported down there. I would think it is pretty difficult for one person to carry a body in a garbage bag down a latter into a sewer area or even drag her from a leveled entrance point to that area. Who would know how to get down there, employees? Has there ever been signs that people were living in that sewer area? Some who is fit and had strength could pull it off transporting the body there. Or 2 people. I wish I knew more about this case and more about what this location looks like and where is the access points.
I was thinking most of the same questions. Also, they have capability of determining the brand of bag, etc. If anyone is like me, I use the same bags for years. Maybe they do, as well. Worth a shot!
DeleteAlso, polygraphs are pretty accurate if administered by a competent professional. They can't be administered because they aren't 100%, but there is a REASON law officers use them as a tool. Normal people can't lie and pass them. If you don't believe me, go ahead and try it. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteAdmissible* not administered
Deletei really dont know but i hope sombody owns up to this becuase you dont just murder sombody and think it is cool r.i.p
ReplyDeleteSomething strange about the grin on moms face.
ReplyDeleteI just watched it & that weirdo said 'that wasn't who my daughter was'
DeleteWAS. Past tense the whole time& acting inconvenienced & like it was funny. Something so strange about it all.
I agree with Vulcanak comments.
ReplyDeleteI would like to add that I just watched it on 48 hours 7/21/20 and thought did they ever find her. Searched the web and found this link. I am sadden that she was found dead years later. The way she was found tells a lot I think.
1. Found in a sewer near drain pipe area, 2. stuffed in that area, 3. inside of a HEAVY-DUTY garbage bag, 4. eyes possibly blindfolded with a scarf, 5. feet bound by a cell charging cord.
I wonder what other details did they not give out that would give us inquiring minds something to work with.
The questions I would ask;
What was the cause of death, strangulation? stabbed? shot?
Was she wearing the same cloths when she disappeared?
Was her cell phone with her?
The scarf, was it hers and was she wearing it that day?
The cell phone cord, was it hers and if so why would she take her cell cord with her if she was just going to the liquor store and returning home? If its not hers, what type of cell phone did the cord belong to? who had a cell phone matching the cord brand? Did any of the family members buys or have access from work to HEAVY-DUTY garbage bags matching the bag she was found in? People who are poor don't typically buy HEAVY-DUTY garbage bags for their residence. Was it an industrial HEAVY-DUTY garbage bag she was in? Are the same HEAVY-DUTY garbage bags available to city water employees? Where is the access point to that water pipe area where the body was found? Has there been similar cases before or since her disappearance involving HEAVY-DUTY garbage bags? Does any business from her house to the liquor store use HEAVY-DUTY garbage bags that match the bag she was in?
Based on what was publicly disclosed on here, her feet were bound by a simple cell charger, nothing mentioned about her hands being bound. She was in a fetal position in the bag leads me to believe she was killed somewhere else, stuffed in the bag and transported down there. I would think it is pretty difficult for one person to carry a body in a garbage bag down a latter into a sewer area or to even drag her from a leveled entrance point to that area. Who would know how to get down there, employees maybe? Has there ever been signs that people were living in that sewer area, any identifications? Someone who is fit and had strength could pull off transporting the body there. Or 2 people. I wish I knew more about this case and more about what this location looks like and where is the access points.
I just watched this episode on The First 48: Missing Person, and, it appears, with Latasha's oldest daughter, living in the Grandmother's care, then, she comes up missing while she was bettering her education, if, any Detectives look at the possibility of Latasha's parents, getting rid of her. They never did a Polygraph on the father of Latasha. And, if, she was seeking to get full-time custody of her daughter, once she finished school as a Dental Hygienist, her parents could have did away with her. Because, her income would have increased to a very high dollar amount, and, that would have taken her parent's financial help from the State of Illinois, out of their pocket! I've seen a case just recently here in Texas, where the Grandmother didn't want to give her grand-daughter back to her biological mother due to the State Benefits, she was receiving. It was going to take her SNAP Benefits, and a large amount of State Funds, the grandmother was receiving for taking care of that child. It's something that happens more so than not, especially, in the lower class areas. Just wondering if Detectives could look deeper into that scenario.
ReplyDelete💯 I agree that's what I was thinking trying to pin a murder on the husband so they can get the twins as well
DeleteI got miss my mom
ReplyDeleteDear Unknown, are you one of Natasha's children? 😢
DeleteDear Unknown, please forgive me, I meant to write "Latasha".
DeleteWho send their wife the love to the liquor store at night if it isn't on the same block?? Especially I Chicago this day and age..😐
ReplyDeleteWho sends their wife they love to the liquor store at night if it isn't on the same block?? Especially in Chicago this day and age..😐
DeleteThis story has intrigued me for the past year. But due to editing “The First 48” and formatting the episode within time limits, I am sure a lot of what various family members said was never seen by the public. Plus these shows are set up to focus on the drama of the situation and I think a lot of good, thorough police investigation would appear “ho hum” to most viewers. We do not know a lot of what was said by either Latasha’s parents or her husband—we only have snippets of the interviews. This of course leaves us all wondering if any of the family members were involved in her disappearance and death or if she was a victim of a random crime.
ReplyDeleteSadly, her three children were left without their mother who clearly was a beautiful young woman trying to better her life.
I think it was her parents trying to pin a murder on the husband.. the mom was very quick to throw him under the bus and the fact that most females in an abusive relationship will stop talking to parents or listening to them I think they did something the weird thing is if she went to the store where did the charger cord come from and if she wasn't dead before being put in the pipe how did someone not hear her or if she was stuffed in the pipe dead how didn't the pipe burst or get clogged it's fishy and they did a test on the mom and not the father who specifically pointed out the area like he wanted her to be found or something the way she was described found frozen but shill whole she had to of been kept somewhere long and then out in there or she was dead for awhile and then put in there it just doesn't make sense the way she was found it's fishy I think it was her parents because they got stuck with her oldest child and refused to leave a man they did not approve of that's what I think I don't think the husband did it
ReplyDeleteI think it was the husband. She was found close to her home with eyes covered by a scarf and legs tied up and wrapped in trash bags. If it was a crime of opportunity, which is what it was believed to be, I don’t think the criminal would’ve gone through all that trouble. Whomever would’ve killed her and dumped the body at or close to the crime scene and been done. Also, the husband’s reason for allowing his wife to walk to the store late evening when it was dark was flimsy at best.
ReplyDeleteI can’t believe people actually think her parents did it because they weren’t rolling around in the floor and screaming in angst because their daughter was missing. If you’re going to use that logic the same logic should be applied to the husband as he didn’t seem worried at all about her disappearance.
Continued from previous comment...
ReplyDeleteYes, her parent's behavior and words could be seen as odd and the circumstances about their family dynamics could be concerning. Yes, maybe her husband could have left the house and hid, waiting for her to turn onto their street where he could have done the evil deed. He could have been the person who discovered the water pipe well. Yes, they all could seem unfeeling, uncaring and cold at times.
Yes, Isaac waited for 4 days before reporting her missing. Maybe he was confused at first, thinking that she may have left him because of a dispute that they may have had. Maybe he then got angry, then afraid that he would be blamed for her disappearance. I think these are just all sad coincidences. But the parents probably would not have known that she left to go to the store that night. Can you imagine 2 people their ages doing this at that time of night and in that location, despite the fact that they lived a few blocks away?
Do you really think that Isaac would put her body in that well (where it would eventually be discovered) when he could much more safely have dug a hole in the backyard at night and buried her there (where she probably would never have been found) and moved away? He had plenty of opportunities to kill her in their house. For the dogs, the scent ended on that lot. Why? There's no creek or stream to kill the scent. But if she was picked up, there would be no more scent from that spot.
I believe that someone else put her body there hoping that eventually her husband would be blamed. Because if he was from that area and knew or knew of Latasha, he knew her husband or that she had one. It's possible that it may not have been the first time that this person did this. The person may be a serial killer. Sadly, they come and go. Frighteningly, they are around us and we don't even know. People who are reclusive or if they are seen, appear to be normal until that evil, perverse desire hits them for the 5th, 15th or 20th time.
How many Chicago murders could be attributed to this person? Maybe this was their first time? Sadly, it won't be their last because this is how it starts. I think the person who did this has a mental sickness, maybe sexual or he just finally acted on a fantasy. Poor Latasha's body was too decomposed to tell what was done to her, how she died or how long she may have suffered.
Some say that they think Isaac is guilty because at her memorials he carries on too much. They think he is putting on. Maybe he doesn't know how to act and is doing that because he thinks it will promote his innocence. Maybe he thinks that his feelings are not what people think they should be, though he has them. Isaac never moved away (unless he eventually did) and some will say he did that to look innocent. Maybe he couldn't bring himself to move. Maybe he stayed for sentimental reasons.
Maybe he hoped that it really wasn't Latasha in that water well and that one day she would come back from the store. We don't know the hearts of those who may be innocent, unless we ask and choose to believe them. In the images that I saw he just looks confused, sad and lost. But, of course, some will say that can be faked.
This was the worst first 48 episode that I've ever seen but I don't think the detectives did all that they could do at the time. It felt as if they were just walking around the same circles and questioning the same people with little to no direction. They didn't get her phone records, they didn't try to ping her last cell location, they didn't canvas the area for cameras. All they did was ride down the street and ask the store attendant if she'd seen her. This isn't the first time that Chicago cops did the bare minimum on this show so I don't think there will ever be a clear resolution to this case.
ReplyDeleteI agree that much was not followed up on and a thorough continuing investigation has not been done. It's very sad but I think because Chicago is such a huge metro area the police can't give full attention to most cases. Of course, we know that they also pick and choose based on what cases they think deserve the resources that they have.
DeleteI had to post 2 comments because it was too long. To read my full theory, read this post first, which is under ArtsyLadyCrafter and continue reading my theory under the 2nd post, which is under ArtsyCrafteryDesignStudio.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is SOOO suspicious of Isaac, and I get that you CAN pass a polygraph, and that the husband or boyfriend/partner is usually the number one suspect. But the dogs tracked her trail to exactly where her parents pointed that she would be!! The cadaver dog AND the bloodhound, the scent dog. No one thinks it's suspicious they found her EXACTLY where both her mother and the older gentlemen BOTH pointed to at the EXACT SAME TIME? Domestic violence is domestic violence. It's happens between husband and wife and it happens between parents and children, too! It IS suspicious that he waited 4 days, I will give yall that ,but not NEARLY as suspicious as her parents pointing out exactly where she was, and both dogs leading that way. Perhaps he was hoping she was with her parents and older child and would come back?? Why would her husband need to bound her and blind fold her?? Call me naive, but I am stuftin criminal investigation in college and the parents are by far the biggest red flag in this whole dang case. If someone asked me where they suspected my kid might be if they were abducted, I would have said, "I HAVE NO CLUE!" Not pin pointed the EXACT location she was found and the dogs traced her scent to, not once, but twice.
ReplyDeleteMight be a coincidence, but I highly doubt it. Just as much that Isaac could have been lying and passed a polygraph, do could the mother. Maybe it wasn't the mother at all, but the man who pointed out the area, perhaps her father or mother's boyfriend? I mean her husband COUKD have tied her up and yadda yadda but usually that involves a sexually motivated crime. The polygraph isn't the only thing pointing to Isaac's innocence. He was plastering up fliers, the dogs tracked her scent out of the home and couldn't find her body at that time. I would longingly, blankly stare out the window if my kid or partner was randomly missing too. Now window gazing makes you suspicious, too??? Isaac didn't point to that area and say, she is probably there! But if you go back and watch, her mom pointed at the exact same time as the man did, she just didn't speak. Sounds like mother and daughter had a tumultuous relationship, as well. Either way, one of these people are guilty. Isaac or someone at her mommas house.
Or a random stranger. The options are endless and the odds are, we will NEVER find out the truth because there's no way she wasn't BADLY decomposed and therefore, most evidence lost. Find out whose phone charges it is?? Not gonna happen. Unless someone confesses, they got away with murder.
DeleteThis comment, the last, and the long one are all the same person, but I am convinced the parents know more, not Isaac. But some people literally have no emotions, so a polygraph would never phase them. I personally do feel like it was the man in the mothers house or a stranger, due to her being bound. It's hard to tell since it seems neither party had a vehicle and both parties had very limited options of moving a body very far. So we are no closer today to finding out the truth than we were 12 years ago and we likely never will. If Isaac confesses on his death bed, I will be astonished it was him. It's just TOO WEIRD the parents pointed out where she was found or extremely close to it. Dude literally said, "There is even a blah blah blah back there, I didn't know that until recently..." recently when? When you hid her body back there? This was the old guy at her moms house.
DeleteThis is my 1st post that never got published. My 2nd one did. I think she was attacked either on the way there or back from the store. But I think the store clerk did say that she was there, so on the way back home someone who lives/lived in the neighborhood attacked her. The small, empty lot down the street from the house had trees on it. The manhole down to the water pipes enclosure is on the curb on the corner of that lot. Her body was not in a pipe. It was stuffed between the main control pipe and the wall of the enclosure. It is a narrow, shallow, circular concrete or brick enclosure surrounding this water turn on/turn off pipe head. That's why they said her body was stuffed there. It is a narrow place and not much space between the pipe and the wall. I also don't think it is very deep because it is not a sewer.
ReplyDeleteYou know we all have very little info but the dogs tracked her scent onto that lot and then it disappeared. I believe someone attacked her as she walked by. Either she did not see the person or she stopped to talk to someone she knew or didn't know. I believe someone hit her and dragged her onto the lot. Whether she was conscious or unconscious the person blindfolded her so that she could not see where he would take her. I think it was very close. He picked her up to carry her and that is why her scent abruptly stopped on the lot.
I think the person abused her and killed her that night or kept her imprisoned and abused her for who knows how long. If she was kept for days or more, she would have been tied up and gagged. Either way, that's why no one heard from her again. I believe the person already knew about the water pipe enclosure from simple curiosity while out walking probably at night. Maybe he (and we're assuming that it's a he) was looking for a place to temporarily hide something sometimes. But because he lives/lived in the area and knows it well, he knew that the pipe well was always empty.
The person may or may not have known her but I think he'd seen her before. Yes, it is very odd that her husband would let her walk to the store alone at night. I think it was around 9:00pm so it would have been dark. The store was a block or two over from the house and several blocks down or up. To me, it's too long for a woman to walk at night in an urban area but I don't live there. Maybe it's not unusual in that neighborhood. Also, maybe she was used to doing it because she wanted to. Maybe her husband protested the first or second time that she did it but she insisted and was determined to do it and said she would be alright. She was grown and how could he stop her?