Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Disappearance of Nancy Bromet

Nancy Bromet has been missing since November of 2015. The 37-year-old woman was going through some major changes in her life at the time of her disappearance, and many of those changes were documented on her Facebook page. Nancy made the image on the left her Facebook profile picture on November 3rd, 2015. Just two days later, she updated her relationship status to "in a relationship." 

Though the page does not state the name of the person she was in a relationship with, her family and friends have confirmed that the man in question was a truck driver named Jesus Julio Cruz. That same day, Nancy also posted that she had moved from Sunrise, Florida to Bakersfield, California. 

According to Nancy's family members, Nancy and Cruz actually left Florida to travel to California on November 12th, 2015. The couple left Nancy's father's house that morning. Nancy has never been seen by her family members again. 

Nancy reportedly did not have a cell phone of her own at the time, so she communicated with her family through Cruz's phone. Nancy's last known communication with her family occurred on November 17th, 2015 - when she reportedly called her sister and indicated that she was in distress. After that call, Nancy's father spoke to Cruz and said that he would buy Nancy a plane ticket home if Cruz dropped her off at the airport. 

Upon hearing that suggestion, Nancy was heard asking Cruz "well, what do you think?" before the phone call dropped. When Nancy's father called back later, Cruz told him that Nancy was asleep. She never contacted her family again after that call.

Cruz later told Nancy's family members that they arrived in California on November 19th, 2015. He explained that on the following day, he dropped Nancy off at a shopping center in El Centro so she could buy groceries while he made deliveries in his truck. Cruz stated that when he returned to the shopping center two hours later, Nancy was nowhere to be found. Her family members reported her missing two days later, on November 22nd.

It is uncharacteristic for Nancy to be out-of-touch with her family members for this long, and her loved ones are suspicious about Cruz's version of events. Although Cruz said that Nancy was last seen in El Centro, her family members are questioning whether or not she ever made it to California at all. Still, the El Centro police are in charge of investigating Nancy's disappearance. If you have any information that could lead to her whereabouts, please contact the authorities at 760-352-2111.


  1. El Centro police. How big is there a homicide division? How many homicides have been handled in the past? Are the FBI involved as this could be considered a murder in a number of states? As they crossed many borders on the way to California. They should be involved or at least asked for their involvement or input. Obviously Cruz is responsible for her murder. I'm sure his vehicle has been thoroughly checked for any evidence. Ashes sofu contract from when he left Florida with this young lady on our way to California? Lame question but I have to ask.

  2. Sorry for some spelling and grammar errors. I'm voice texting. That last comment what is concerning his cell phone being tracked from Florida to California. Wish her any deviations from the common sense route of getting to California.

    1. I agree, the FBI would most likely be the most helpful since they drove through many states to get to California! But I'm not sure what the criteria is for getting the FBI involved.
      And I'm sure they could track the man's cell phone to confirm he made it to California, but that does not confirm whether or not Nancy made it with him.

  3. She never made it to Cali. They did run the tapes of that shopping center and Nancy was never dropped off there. Cruz however went off his driving route & was mia for 12 hours after "the dropped phone call" he came back alone with a missing tooth. His truck was checked for evidence but not until about 5,6 weeks after her dissapearance. El Centro dropped the ball. They treated her like a woman with a past who would return when she felt like it. Even after they knew she was never at that shopping center. Even after they knew he went off route after her phone call to her Dad. I hope she kicked that mother fuckers tooth right out of his face. I know she fought hard. Its been years now and still nothing. She has a family who loves her dearly. They deserve closure. Nancy deserves justice. Cruz is a violent pos with a nasty history. He knows exactly what happened to her that day. And El Centro knows he knows... She derserved so much more than this. She was beautiful, feisty & hilarious. I pray her family gets the closure they deserve. And i hope Cruz gets the max for what he did to her

  4. thank you so so so much. this is my tia. my mom misses her every day and we know he did something to her. he attacked and harassed my family for months. nancy would’ve come home she was very smart she would’ve figured out how to get home. my mom will never change her number because nancy knows it. it means so much to me that you picked this case because by everyone except my mom and grandpa, she’s been essentially forgotten. this situation changed our lives forever. thank you for covering it. i’m at work right now and i searched her name out of the blue and this was the first link to be put up.

    1. Of course. I am happy to do anything I can to help raise awareness for Nancy. I am so sorry for what your family is going through and I hope you all get answers. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.

  5. Jesus Julio Cruz is a Coward and a Narcissist. He has threatened every Police Dept. from Florida all the way to California and every state and or border in between with law suits and at the same time he has slandered his precious Nancy whom who swore was going to be his wife and he loved her yet HE was the LAST person to be with Nancy and he conjured up all sorts of devious and ever changing stories about having taken her to California when it fact and EVIDENCE he never even arrived in California much less dropped her off there so that she can shop. He has threatened people's lives of so many that got involved to solve her whereabouts and bring her back home. Jesus Julio Cruz has openly admitted that Nancy was worthless & deserved whatever she got. He was on some sort of car television series back in the days and he had a Facebook page which depicted what appeared to be dangerous friends of his displaying guns and statements that would make anyone believe would commit crimes or cover up other peoples crimes to defend SUSPECTS such as himself rather than families' loved ones or VICTIMS. Cruz needs to know that NO STATE and all their communities nor Police Depts. have stopped viewing YOU as GUILTY in Nancy's disappearance and as communities, news reporters, friends and families continue researching and exchanging information your demise is that much closer to becoming your reality check. I just hope you've made your peace with the ALMIGHTY JUDGE UPSTAIRS because GOD doesn't like Injustice and he has you cornered. The devil is finally going down and the world is waiting to witness your own calamity. You are a liar and you know everything you admitted behind closed doors and you will soon feel everyone's wrath for what you did to Nancy Bromet, AMEN! Prayers to everyone that has stepped in and not out and away from seeking JUSTICE for Nancy. Hopefully Cruz will SOON be apprehended BEFORE another MAN's daughter goes missing. Thank you to everyone and may God bless you all ten-fold for your support, your love, your strength and courage! Cruz can't further bully or threaten anyone anymore because it is on!

  6. A guy like Cruz killed my sister back in 07 and he never faced a single day behind bars because of his connections. He treated her like dirt and talked so bad about her before and after. I feel her family's pain. I hope this pos gets what he deserves and her family gets closure.

  7. Why hasn't anything else been done about this? Has this been reported to the California Attorney General by her family? FBI?

  8. I know Cruz myself and have always said I believe he killed her. I hope he knows no one is afraid of his lawsuit threats. Look how much he’s changed physically since the event. It’s obvious he’s guilty. His appearance has went from what it was to a man living with guilt. Yea he was on gas monkey garage. I never watched it. Like everything in his life he’s riding someone else coat tails to try and show people he’s someone he isn’t. Cruz is a very jealous man with a temper. I honestly don’t think he meant for anything to happen to her. I believe it was either a rage moment or like a slap that knocked her down and hit her head or something But that still makes him guilty. Running from it makes it worse. I’m by no means defending him. He’s a pos that should be in prison.
